Human Body Systems 101 

Now you are going to realize what the saying "What goes in... must come" out really means.  Are you ready to see what really happens after you eat food? Get ready to open your mind and explore, because you are now entering the DIGESTIVE SYSTEM!

The Digestive System


The digestive system's main purpose is to get out all the important elements it needs from the food you eat. Your digestive system breaks down the food by using either chemical or mechanical digestion, then your body takes every thing it can from your food, (nutrients) leaving only waste products behind.


The digestive system includes the following organs : mouth, esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anus.  The esophagus, small intestine, large intestine, and rectum are all tube like organs. The stomach is the storage compartment, that mixes and churns food. The small intestine is twisted and squeezed inside of you, when extended the small intestine is 25 feet long! Also, in the average adult male, when the large intestine is stretched out, it is 5 feet long. Glands and other smaller organs lining the digestive tract produce and release enzymes, or produce hormones.