Human Body Systems 101 

Are you having trouble understanding how the digestive system really works?  Well, here are some examples based on real life situations that might help you understand the topic more.

Real Life Situations

"The Playground"

If you really think about it, the digestive system is just like a playground set, whatever comes in, must come out.  For example, in the picture to the side there is a playground set with a pair of stairs.  Lets say you climb up those stairs, and you start your journey into the playground equipment.  The stairs, resemble the mouth of the digestive system, or the starting point.  After the mouth, you are sent through the blue tube, or the esophagus, which leads to the stomach.  Once in the stomach, or as known on the playground, the "platform with the yellow cap", you are churned and mixed with chemicals, breaking down the food.  Then, you start your journey over the bridge, or the start of the small intestine.  Once you are halfway over the bridge, the bridge transforms into the large intestine, where you are separated from the watery substance and turned into a solid substance.  Once you have survived the bridge, you enter the rectum, or the "platform on the left" (closets to the slides).  In the rectum, you are stored, until you can be pushed out of the tiny hole/opening in the rectum, or the anus.  The anus, or the red slides, are your ways to freedom.  Once you have hit the ground, you can truly believe the statement: "what goes in....always comes out".