Human Body Systems 101 

Are you having trouble understanding how the nervous system really works?  Well, here are some examples based on real life situations that might help you understand the topic more.

Real Life Situations


Have you ever played the game of telephone?  Well, if you have not, the game of telephone works like this:  You would whisper a short sentence or word into someone's ear, and they would then turn and whisper it to the person seated on their other side, either left or right.  You would keep doing this until the word came to the last person, and then the last person would blurt it out to the whole crowd.  The same thing happens when a neuron or nerve cell passes on an impulse to the next neuron.  Basically, the neuron transmits the impulse and electrical charge to the following neuron, who transmits the impulse to the following, and so on, until it gets sent up the spinal cord and into the brain, where the final message is received.  Just like that last person receives the final word in the end, so does the brain, because the brain is the controlling part of the system.  After the message to the brain is delivered, it will decide how it reacts to that message, just like a kid decides how to react to that word or sentence.  If the sentence is funny, he or she will laugh, if it is sad, the person could get emotional, and so on.  However, the one way that the brain is unlike the game of telephone is usually the ending result...hopefully the sentence doesn't get "stretched" to become something else like in the crazy game of telephone!
